What We Do Here
Pastor’s Wife Mentoring
Married to a Pastor is very challenging. We focus on pastor’s wives, offering encouragement for a pastor’s wife as well as insight on being a pastor’s wife from one pastor’s wife to another.
Mentoring the Youth
Research confirms that quality mentoring relationships have powerful positive effects on young people in a variety of personal, academic, spiritual, and professional situations.
Pastor’s Ordination and Commission
As a pastor, do you need mentors in your life? Do you need an official Ordination? Learn More
Pastor Mentoring
Recognizing and celebrating the diverse voices that make up the mentoring field. Prepare to be inspired and rejuvenated about the power of our collective work and the opportunity that is ahead of us to ensure that one day, every pastor has access to caring mentors beyond their family.
Mentorship and Discipleship
Today, some have realized that investing in the leaders of tomorrow constitutes one of the fundamental pillars of their development and sustainability. More are calling for coaching and mentoring to train their youth for their future leadership roles. But all coaches and mentors are not equal. To ensure that the message gets across and that the coaching achieves the desired result, there are certain points that need to be taken into account. Follow this advice here.
Let us all remember that to train the youth in your court today is your best assets tomorrow.
Church Leaders Workshop
Church leadership training permits experienced church leaders to impart and advise the next generation of leaders on tactics for being effective Christian leaders, much as Jesus trained his followers to become evangelists who would preach the word of God.
A church leadership workshop is a seminar that assists church leaders in learning, reflecting on, and practicing strategies for change and growth. Workshops on many elements of church leadership, such as vision, strategy, communication, conflict resolution, and so on, are available.
Have you planned a specific theme or goal for a church leadership workshop? Please get in touch with us.
Pastoral Consultation
A pastoral counselor is a bit different than a clinical counselor or therapist. While they may provide similar services, pastoral counselors integrate spirituality, faith, and theology with psychotherapy to help people seeking assistance with personal, family, marital, and faith issues.
Pastoral Training
Our training is the process of preparing and equipping those called by Christ for pastoral ministry, which is the service and leadership of a Christian Church and community. It can involve various methods, such as classes, seminars, cohort learning, supervised ministry experiences, coaching, mentoring, character assessment, and apprenticeship. Pastoral training is based on the biblical pattern of life-on-the-job training from Christ’s ministry with His disciples and the early church. Our pastoral training also aims to teach practical Christ-like living with compassion and empathy for others. Our training can involve different methods, such as apprenticeship, formal education, or online courses. More so, it can cover various topics, such as biblical theology, ecclesiology, eschatology, pastoral care, preaching, teaching, biblical ethics, and more…
Are you interested in pastoral training?
If so, what kind of pastoral ministry do you want to pursue?
Pastor First Ministry
The Holy Scripture places a high emphasis on the family unit. It seems to indicate that the pastor’s first ministry must be to his family. Furthermore, the Holy Scripture seems to indicate that placing family as one’s first priority, after God alone, is a prerequisite for ministry. It’s so easy to tell ourselves that we’re working so hard to provide more for our families when what they usually want is more of us.
Praying Together
The Power of Marriage Partnership in Ministry is the discovery and joy of glorifying God in ministry together. Aim for a goal of togetherness and encouragement as you pray. If your goal, after praying together, is that both you and your spouse emerge from that prayer time feeling more powerful and strengthened together, then you will know what to address with your spouse and what to keep for an extended prayer time with just you and God. As you begin praying together regularly, the Holy Spirit may impress upon your hearts the need to pray about deeper issues, and when that is the case, you both will simply be following His lead. Learn More